SEO vs Conversion Copywriting

You’ve probably heard much about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and conversion copywriting, right? 

Notice how the entire thing is made harder every time you read about it?

Today we’ll dive into it and break down any complexities around these topics. 

So, if you’re wondering what the difference is and which one you should focus on, you’re in the right place.

At the end of this article, you’ll walk away with:

  • A clear picture of the work you need to do and the gaps you have to fill in your knowledge. 
  • How to be a world-class conversion copywriter.
This is the opportunity to differentiate yourself from run-off-the-mill copywriters. 
Let’s have a look at these gifts from Google (and other search engines but, Chrome has most of us). 

Understanding SEO Copywriting

SEO copywriting is all about making your content appealing to search engines. Think of it as sending love letters to Google.

The idea is to sprinkle relevant keywords throughout your text so that Google (or any other search engine) picks up on them and ranks your page higher. 

But it’s more than just keywords.

Key Elements of SEO Copywriting:

  • Keywords: Finding and using the right words people search for.
  • Structure: Using the proper headings, subheadings, and bullet points to make it easy to read.
  • Meta Descriptions: Writing catchy summaries for search engines.
  • Internal and External Links: Linking to other helpful content.
  • User Experience: Making sure your site loads quickly and works on mobile.

What is Conversion Copywriting?

Conversion copywriting, on the other hand, is like being a charming salesperson. You have to persuade prospective clients, in a world filled with distractions to buy from you. 

Basically, it’s copy that pushes your reader to say YES. It focuses on persuading your readers to take action. Whether it’s buying a product, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a freebie, the goal is to convert readers into customers.

Key Elements of Conversion Copywriting:

  • Understanding Your Audience: Knowing your target audience inside out.
  • Emotional Triggers: Using language that resonates emotionally.
  • Clear Call to Action (CTA): Telling readers what to do next.
  • Benefits over Features: Highlighting the benefits rather than just features.
  • Social Proof: Including testimonials and reviews.

The difference between the two:

Conversion copywriters know how to tell a compelling story about a product or service that makes the reader connect and convert. They’re the ones boosting your conversion rates

SEO copywriters, write with the search engine algorithm in mind. Their job is to improve search engine rankings.

What Matters Most: SEO or Conversion?

Well, that’s like asking which is more important: the sun or the rain for a healthy garden. Your strategy needs both. 

If your copy isn’t grabbing attention and convincing people to take action, it doesn’t matter if you’re the top result on Google—no one’s going to stick around or make a purchase.

On the flip side, even if your copy is brilliant and persuasive, it won’t do much good if nobody sees it because your site is buried in search results. 

You need both to make the magic happen: great SEO to get visitors and killer copy to convert them into customers.

But, if you’re a brand new copywriter, wondering where and how to start, here’s what I recommend.

The User-Centric Approach

Focusing on conversion copywriting means you’re tailoring your content to human readers rather than search engines. This leads to more meaningful engagement and higher conversion rates. 

When your content speaks directly to your audience’s needs and emotions, they’re more likely to take action.

Algorithm Adaptability

Search engines are getting smarter. They now prioritize user experience and engagement metrics, which are directly influenced by conversion-focused content. 

So, by writing for humans, you’re actually helping your SEO in the long run.

Quality Over Quantity

High-quality, persuasive content is more likely to generate backlinks, shares, and organic traffic than keyword-stuffed SEO content. 

When people find your content valuable, they’re more likely to share it, which boosts your SEO naturally. 

Think of your content as a delicious cake. If it’s made with quality ingredients (valuable content), people will want more and tell others about it. But if it’s all fluff and no substance (keyword-stuffed), it won’t leave a lasting impression.

Immediate Impact

Conversion copywriting has a more immediate impact on your business’s bottom line. It directly influences sales, sign-ups, and other conversions. 

While SEO takes time to show results, a well-crafted sales page or email can generate immediate results.

Example: A compelling email campaign that speaks to your audience’s pain points and offers a solution can result in immediate sign-ups or purchases.

Here’s the kicker: Well-crafted, engaging content naturally attracts organic traffic and improves SEO over time. You don’t need to focus on traditional SEO techniques overly. When your content is valuable and engaging, people will spend more time on your site, reducing bounce rates and improving rankings.


Both SEO and conversion copywriting are essential. It’s not about choosing one over the other but finding the right balance.

If you found this helpful and want more tips on mastering your freelance business, subscribe to our newsletter. 

And hey, if you need top-notch content that balances SEO and conversion perfectly, consider enrolling in one of the digital marketing courses at the Freelance Mastery Hub.